Top Floor, Loy Buildings, 18 - 24 Loy Street, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, BT80 8PE

028 8676 9994

Gold Sure Start

Welcome to Our Website!

Welcome to the World Programme 


 It's a 5 week antenatal programme for future Mums and Dads. 

  • To give an opportunity for expectant parents to explore their roots, traditions, hopes and fears for the future.
  • To develop strong bonds of communication between parents by sharing experiences and ideas.
  • To understand how a baby develops before and after birth.
  • To understand how important it is to nurture ourselves and provide the best opportunities for the baby to grow and flourish.
  • To think about our future as parents as a couple as a family.
  • To become familiar with the necessary practical skills of caring for a new born baby, such as bathing, nappy changing, infant feeding and discussion on baby equipment.

Every week we will discuss different topics which include:

  • Nurturing my Baby's development and Growing brain
  • How to increase Personal Power, Self Esteem and Healthy Eating choices
  • Helping my Baby calm himself/herself
  • Feelings... and How we communicate, Communication between Parents and Baby
  • Family life with new baby
  • Midwife and Labour

If you interested in "Welcome to the world" programme ring Gold Community Partnership Surestart office on 028 8676 9994 for more information and book your place.


  You have to live within the Surestart wards and be registered with Gold Community Partnership to avail of FREE  programmes and activities.